The first business course I bought was a 6 figure agency course.
This was 6 years ago.
Before that, I didn’t see the value in courses.
I tried doing everything myself.
I knew the information was online, and it was, but it never worked.
There were too many missing pieces.
Free education on social media is great, but the algorithm encourages people to keep it short, sweet, and focused on the most interesting topics.
Everyone wants free free free and that’s what causes the problem of high value advice getting buried under a sea of noise.
Don’t act like you are immune to this. Nobody is.
When I was fed up with my multiple business attempts, I was ready to invest my entire bank account.
I researched the best business models, found a dude who had a good reputation, watched his webinar, and paid $999.
This was a huge chunk out of my finances.
It all went onto my first credit card.
And, as a college student working part-time, it put a lot of stress on me.
I was juggling so many things at once.
Schooling that I didn’t care about… but it pushed back my deadline to make my business work before getting a job.
A part-time job that was clearly a dead end.
Multiple business failures before this.
There was a lot on the line.
And, to cut to the chase, it didn’t work out.